Friday, December 4, 2009
I think people make art because it makes them feel good Art is a creative way of putting how your mood is on paper. Art opens your eyes to everything around you. It helps you view things differently and creatively. Art can relive stress it shows in different forms of beauty. Theres' severals way of making art. Also art is a form of defining feelings and things you see around you on a daily basis. Art can make statements about peace and equality. Art can be made in so many ways.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The four hour project is different from the others because you usually Ms.Roberts give us directions but this time she said you could do anything you want. thought it was going to be easy but I struggled finding a idea then i started listing places like the great wall of china and the boston garden. Then since basketball my passion I decided to draw the Td banknorth garden. This impacted my work because I tried to draw the court so it looks like im courtside. First I decided to draw a square then i drew the details on the court then i made the stands and try to make the hoops 3D
Monday, November 9, 2009
my orginal plans was to have the president of the U.S and a kid from germany meet because a poor kid wanted to see how the rich lives. They do fun activities where usually in germany the kid doesn't do. The project is going good I just need to use emphasis and proportions in all my pictures. The challenegs I faced was trying to incorporate the activities using the president and the kid from germany.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
goals of the human drawing was to draw from the inside out and draw what you actually see and not what you think you see. another goal was to get the little details in and get the proportions of the bodies right. I achived my goals by the waist first then going to the legs then the upper body then what the arms was holding onto. I shaded in what parts were darker then other parts. Challenges i faced was on one of the drawings i messed up on one the arms and i made a head to small so it didnt look like it was porpotioned it to the body. On one of ther persons legs i had them spreaded out because i was thinking that it was but when i actually looked it showed me that the legs were actually together.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
shades of gray
The goals was to have 5 different shades of gray and to have all the objects on the table look like it on paper. I achieve my goals by using my eraser to make the outlines of the objects and then I started using dark black to the drak objects then I used the regular charcoal and shaded very lightly and then I colored the lighter objects by putting a little more pressure on the charcoal to get a meduim and then to get in the middle i used my finger and smudged the charcoal to get in between. The challenge i had was trying to get the towel on my paper but i use the eraser with 3 light lines and black the other 3 lines because the towel was green and white
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Title- Nighthawks Artist Edward Hopper and he was born in Nyack,New York
year it was made 1942 medium used- oil on canvas.
2. my first impresson that its a regualr monday and 4 people are having coffee
3. Hopper was inspired by a dinner where he lived greenwich village and shows a typical night people having dinner he used night owl a term to say people stay up late edward was a artist a very good one. As a young teenager he was making his own cartoons using charcoal and oil and paint.
4. I see contrast because everything look dark except inside the dinner place. Theres also leading lines where the artist wants you too see from. I think its asymetrical because its balanced because theres another building but inside its not balanced because there's 1 person side and on the other there's 3 people.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I began with my my trophy case and my eyeball. I knew i wanted to make a one eyed creature. I thought thinking about which animal has one eye. Then it came to mind plankton from spongebob. I was thinking about making alien but i seen that plankton was simliar to a alien. I found his antlers and put legs on it. My sculpture was successful because i made it look like something. Something i could of done differently was to be more creative to make it look like plankton.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The principles of design-rules that organize shapesm linnes and forms help you get to the place that you want to get to with art
unity- a feeling where everything in the picture works together to make one
variety - including differences to make art more interesting
balance- is when visual weight of an art work feels evenly distributed
symmetry- draw line in the middle of picture its equal on both sides
approximately symmetrical- when both sides is almost equal
asymmetry- opposite of symmetry
radial where yu draw a line it would more divided it will always be the same
emphasis- when one element in an artwork appears to be more important or attract the most atention to create
contrast- when something very different around the focus
rhythm and movement
Proportion- size relationship of the parts to one another or to the whole
create a story make distance shape and color to make contrast
Monday, October 19, 2009
Reflecting at Midterm
I have made a lot of progress as a artist this term. Art isn't my best subject but I tend to sometimes put a lot of effort in my work. I think im became more creative by really thinking about cool ways to make my art look unique in it's own way. I think im trying hard and trying to make evrything the picture work well with each other
Thursday, October 15, 2009
whats in the sack
The goal was to tell that every bag had a different object in it. I achieved my goal by first drawing the general shapes of all the bags then I started to draw the different objects I think I saw in each bag and I drew the garbage cans and colored them all black and erase some to make it a little lighter then i drew the oval object and i ade it a light gray to mAKE IT LOOK LIKE A SOLID
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
3 things I had to do in order to complete the goal was to pay attention more to what was going on and off the table. I had to make sure to see the things that was getting overlapped and things i couldn't see because sometimes i forgot to erase the things i couldn't see. The last thing i need to do was drawing good size objects because sometimes i drew objects too small or too big instead of a average size
Monday, October 5, 2009
The positive feedback was that it resembled a love story and the blue and purple lines mixed in well with each other. The negavtive was that i should of added a extra line to show what happen between each person. I felt good on my classmates crtiquing on my work. I think they gave me good ideas to do next time.
Friday, September 25, 2009
The simliarites between all the activities we did you had to think of what you were going to do. I think my favorite activity was the pour painting because it was so cool to see the awesome designs we made. I also liked the penguin activity because when we switched and i came back to my picture it looked better then it did before
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Revisting Observations
The drawing came out okay. I tried to describe it the best way i can and she pa rts right with the four people and the blue background.Next time i think i should try to describe more parts of the picture and be way more specific.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Today i did pour painting i had awesome time doing it because it was really cool to see all the colors mix in well with each other. Some colors mix in well others didn't. My favorite one is the first one i did because the red and blue mixed well with each other and it kind of made a purple
Monday, September 21, 2009
collaborative drawing
today i made a penguin with things inspired by the penguin. I started it and then 3 other people added to my picture when i came back to my picture i liked most of it but someone painted my walrus head so i just added another head with horns coming out of it. I just added to the others drawings and it made it nice.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
What makes a artist?
1. I think a person who is creative. A person who visualizes his art before its happens. A person who can work their ideas well. A person who can create something out of nothing.
What does it mean to be creative?
A person who thinks outside ther box. A person who goes to the extreme and beyond with their art. A person who knows how to make there art different then others.
Name 3 or 4 things a artist needs to be productive and creative
An artist needs to be unique. An artist needs to be albe to have fun with their art.
An artist needs to be able to mix colors in well with each other.
1. I think a person who is creative. A person who visualizes his art before its happens. A person who can work their ideas well. A person who can create something out of nothing.
What does it mean to be creative?
A person who thinks outside ther box. A person who goes to the extreme and beyond with their art. A person who knows how to make there art different then others.
Name 3 or 4 things a artist needs to be productive and creative
An artist needs to be unique. An artist needs to be albe to have fun with their art.
An artist needs to be able to mix colors in well with each other.
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